Our service is vastly different to the norm. We have a proud tradition of consistently superior service and hands on. We are available 24 hours. We have an extensive sourcing base and vast experience, enabling us to provide our clients with an extensive turnaround time of 24 hours. For these reasons, we have developed long-term relationships with our clients within the industry.


  • Recruitment services
  • Security checks
  • Polygraph testing
  • Psychometric testing
  • Our goal is to provide the highest level of professional service to customers whose needs are to retain and invest in high caliber staff.
  • ROD offers a unique tailor made service to small, medium and large companies.

Servicing the whole of South Africa, we have the resources of any of the large recruitment agencies but the customer service of the smaller boutique firms.


ROD Candidates

ROD do things differently, we do not waste your time asking you to come for skill testing, profiling and interviews until we are confident we can find a suitable position for you, or else how do we know what to test for if we haven't got a position in mind!

Choosing the right recruitment company can make or break your career. We believe that you are entitled to the service that we always wanted but hardly ever received when we were candidates.

If we think you have got great skills and experience then we will meet with you and listen to what you want in your career.

We will also give tips on how to conduct yourself in an interview and what sort of questions to ask. From the information you give to us, we will then look out for a position that we feel will benefit both yourself and the company in the long term.

Our service do not stop there, you will be paired up with a consultant who will be on hand for any questions or queries you may have throughout the duration of the role and beyond.



Labour Matters – Poor Performance Procedures

Poor Work Performance falls under the broad heading of Incapacity. Poor work performance or failure by the employee to reach and maintain the employer's work performance standards in terms of quantity and quality of output is an ever increasing problem. It is implicit in all employment contracts that the employee undertakes to perform according to the reasonable, lawful and attainable work performance standards set by the employer. Should the employee fail in this duty, then he is said to be “incapable” and the employer has the right to dismiss after following a fair procedure and ensuring that the dismissal is for a fair reason. You can't say 'Useless worker, you're fired!' or simply fire an employee for poor performance. Dismissal is ALWAYS the last straw. If you don't consider alternatives, it doesn't matter how useless the employee is – the CCMA WILL reinstate him, and you WILL have to award him back pay.

Let's look at what you can do instead using the following scenario…

Let's say you hire a financial manager (FM) to contribute at a strategic level. Sadly he turns out to be lousy at it. He's a good number cruncher but his job requires more input than that. You've given him training and explained a number times what you need, but he still doesn't 'get' your business.

Now let's look at the following options…


You're not obliged to create a job for him, but you must show that you honestly tried to find another position for him within
your company. Offer him a vacant post in the company.
This is the simplest way of showing you're trying something. Let him know where you have vacancies, but a demotion may
be better in certain circumstances.

Transfer / Redeployment

Consider transferring him. Maybe a smaller department or branch, and then if he improves, you can always move him back
into his position.

Reduce his salary or change his remuneration structure

Let's say one of your sales people isn't meeting his targets, which are reasonable. You notice his heart isn't in his work.
You've already withheld his annual bonus because of his poor performance, but this hasn't encouraged him to work harder.
Suggest a change in his pay structure as an alternative to firing him. Reduce his basic salary and increase his commission
percentage as an incentive for a defined period. But remember, you can only do this with his consent!

Change his duties / workload

If an employee is slow but does his work with reasonable accuracy, reduce his workload and adjust his salary appropriately.
You can also only do this with his consent! You can come up with many alternatives to dismissals.
Maybe ask your employee to suggest alternatives. He may come up with a feasible plan that didn't even cross your mind!


ROD prides itself on the highest quality customer service, so we never make promises we cannot keep and are completely honest at all times with clients and candidates.
We don't just put the position on internet sites; we have many other unique ways to attract the very best candidates as explained in our methodology.


The process stipulated below stipulates our end to end process from receiving a job assignment to the guarantee period:

i.    Client Briefing
ii.   Sourcing of candidates:
        Research on our database and Networking
iii.  Screening and short listing of candidates
iv.  Conducting competency based interviews and references
v.   ITC check
vi.  Negotiating pay
vii. 90 day guarantee period


When thinking about your recruitment issues, the problems that keep you up at night are the same ones that Recruiters of distinction have been successfully resolving for clients.

Sometimes it is necessary to fill a large number of vacancies in a very short timescale, which presents any employer with a major challenge, especially where deadlines must be met.

When a project is awarded it can be a case of all hands on deck, and having the time to hire staff and process responses to advertisements can be a luxury that you just do not have.

ROD will work with you to manage the ad response handling and recruitment processes for your project.

We will offer you a tailor made solution that will free up your time to concentrate on the work that lies ahead of you.

We can do the following hard work for you.

  • Write and place your recruitment ad in the media (MEDIA ADVISE AND SELECTION)
  • Advert Response Handling
  • Screen the CVs to the extent that they meet the inherent requirements of the job in three categories namely A B and C
  • Present you with the suitable candidates
  • Assist with coordinating of interviews
  • Conduct preliminary interviews
  • Conduct References and background checks
  • Compile a report on all candidates applied for position
  • Compile a report on all shortlisted candidates
  • Compile a final project report